CentOS was first released in 2004, and was based on RedHat Enterprise Linux. Though developed independently by a volunteer community it was essentially conceived to be a more public and open version of RHEL, and catered to a similar audience. CentOS remained independent until 2014, when RedHat announced it would provide financial backing to the CentOS project. However, in 2020, RedHat terminated the project, and further development ceased. As a result, CentOS founders stated another distribution project, known as Rocky Linux, in the spirit of the original project. Despite its discontinuation several years ago, CentOS remains in widespread use.
Gen 3 NVMe BootRAID Driver
SSD7105 / SSD7103 / SSD7202
Latest Update: Add Kernel 5.14.0 version support

*For binary Boot RAID drivers, please submit a driver request ticket with the following information.
HighPoint product name
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