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HighPoint NVMe Storage Performance Technology

Updated: May 29, 2023

Performance Acceleration Technology for Targeted Applications

Modern platforms are Core rich but don't always distribute computing power the way you need it. Making sure your NVMe media performs optimally isn’t always as simple as selecting the right PCIe slot. HPT-Optimize streamlines this tuning process.

Today’s Servers and Workstation class CPU’s have become increasingly powerful in order to handle immense workloads. The Edge and Industrial platforms that employ such CPUs are expected to seamlessly process tremendous volumes of concurrent tasks. Despite the abundance of memory and processing resources, and the benefits of NVMe storage media, the risk of latency remains a genuine threat as job ques become larger and more varied. Unless mission critical applications can be tied to dedicated system and storage resources, performance will inevitably be compromised.

HPT-Optimize can simplify the Performance Tuning Process for any Multi-Core platform:

The utility was designed specifically for Professional Solution providers that do not have years of IT experience at their disposal:

  • Smartly Allocates System Resources to ensure the target App utilizes the full potential of NVMe Storage Performance

  • Intuitively Maps the most Efficient I/O processing route

  • Reduced Job Processing Latency

  • Manageable Consumption levels of processing Resources

Learn More

Solution Providers and existing Customers are encouraged to Contact Us learn more about this new technology.

Cross-Sync RAID Technology

Looking to maximize Gen4 storage performance? You need Cross-Sync RAID Technology.

HighPoint’s revolutionary Cross-Sync RAID Technology enables administrators to optimize storage performance by scaling available us bandwidth up to 32 lanes to deliver sustained transfer speeds up to 55,000MB/s!

PCIe slots have proven to be a simple, reliable way to expand device connectivity, while ensuring said devices (NVMe SSDs in this case) are allocated dedicated resources. However, modern NVMe media requires x4 lanes of dedicated host connectivity to operate at full speed. If you need a storage solution with more than four NVMe SSDs, a single x16 connection does not provide enough bandwidth to allow each SSD to perform optimally.

Breaking the Performance Bottleneck

Most of today’s off-the-shelf computing platforms employ one more multi-core processors, and can provide 128 lanes of PCIe Gen4 or Gen3 transfer bandwidth. However, the vast majority of NVMe RAID solutions are locked to a single PCIe slot. In order to overcome the x16 limitation, many are forced to manage a multi-RAID/multi-card configuration or resort to a purely software RAID solution (which are rarely tuned to support NVMe media). HighPoint’s Cross-Sync technology eliminates these performance bottlenecks, and enables administrators to take advantage of the abundant processing resources provided by a modern server or workstation platform.

Cross-Sync RAID solutions are ideal for applications that employ Edge or Industrial grade computing platforms that require ultra-high performance storage solutions, as it enables Administrators to create RAID 0 or 10 arrays using a handful of compact PCIe devices.

Easy to Install and Configure

The entire process is seamless and entirely transparent to the host system. HighPoint Management solutions, such as the WebGUI and CLI, will simply display a single pool of drives to select from during RAID creation. The Windows or Linux OS will recognize a Cross-Sync RAID volume as an ordinary single "drive".

Cross-Sync is best paired with DC or Enterprise class NVMe SSDs, which are capable of delivering consistently high-levels of sustained write performance of extended I/O sessions.

Performance-Focused NVMe Hardware Architecture

HighPoint Manufactures the industry’s fastest NVMe storage and connectivity solutions.

This is made possible by our unique NVMe Hardware Architecture, which was designed to fully exploit the capabilities of high-performance computing platforms and state of the art PCIe Switch technology.

HighPoint’s NVMe RAID HBAs and Enclosures are designed to operate independent of the host hardware platform, and are capable of allocating up to x4 dedicated lanes to each NVMe SSD. Unlike most of the competition, our NVMe storage and connectivity solutions can perform optimally in almost any computing environment, as they are not tied to a specific chipset, processor type, application or operating system.

Modern PCIe Switch Chipsets can support up to 48 devices and provide as many as 32 dedicated PCIe lanes. While this may seem like overkill for a 4 or 8-port HBA, but it enables our products to excel in any industry standard server or workstation, and does not depend on a motherboard or software-based PCIe management solution such as VROC. Lane allocation is handled dynamically, and can be assigned on the fly as the need arises.


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