USB 10Gb/s USB 3.2 Drive Dock with Dual Independent Drive Bays!
We are set to launch a new USB drive dock later this month - the RocketStor 3112D.

The RocketStor 3112D (RS3112D) provides 2 vertically oriented hot-swap capable SATA drive bays that can support either 2.5” or 3.5” hard drives and SSDs via a 10Gb/s USB 3.2 connection. The key distinction between the RS3112D and the vast majority of drive docks out in the wild are the dual-independent drive bays. Each bay has a dedicated SATA channel, and is fully independent – each can be used separately or concurrently, without having to sacrifice transfer performance.

For example, a backup session to an SSD won’t suddenly slow to a crawl because you decided to install a standard hard drive to access a series of archived documents. This may sound trivial, but why spend money on a 10Gb/s enclosure if it won’t let you use that 10Gb/s?
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